Monday, February 25, 2013

2/25 Biology Research Update

Today in biology I researched the adaptations of rabbits. They have adapted many different ways to protect themselves from predators. I learned that rabbits stand up on their hind legs to search for danger and thump their legs to alert others when danger is near. Rabbits also have many other adaptations like their eyes, long ears, legs, teeth, digestion, fur color and reproduction. A rabbits eyes are on the side of its face so that it has a greater view of the area around them and their ears are long so they can hear the most acute sounds. The rabbits have changed in a lot of ways to protect themselves from predators. 
Powerpoint can be viewed at:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb. 18 Biology Research

I learned that the rabbit has a lot of the same bones as the human. However, while they are the same bones they look are very different. Humans bones like the phalanges look a lot differently than the phalanges of the rabbit. The rabbit also has many adaptations like the ears and feet evolution. The rabbit feet make it easier for the rabbit to hop.

Powerpoint Link: 
Parts of the Rabbit skeleton. (n.d.).Geauga County, Ohio 4-H. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from

Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb. 11 Research, Topic and Goals

The topic I chose is Rabbit Bones vs. Human Bones. 3 goals I have for myself are 1) find good research, 2) plan things out so I know what I still need to do, and 3) find out if bunnies have different or more bones than humans have. Today I found out that rabbits are made up of 23 different bones.